Man ol' man. "Billy the kid" got the computers putin' & boombpidy boompin on this 1. If it's not the founder & CEO of Yahoo doing something stupid and publicly keeps apologizing to the Chinese family for having that blogger imprisoned, it's some hokey doke drama elsewhere. No, it's NOT Jim Cramer's from Cnbc's Mad money acting up all crazy with his sleeves rolled up and bellowing to the top of his lungs. It's another in house power shuffle for Microsoft.
The thing is, I don't know if all of what they say in these tech press releases is actually true or just a viral marketing scheme to keep not only the computers putin' , but also to keep a fresh buzz of word of mouth going online too. See, people run their mouths more online now than in the real world. Onto Microsoft. is reporting that their number 3 top man at the empire controlled by Bill gates is stepping down. Now, I am not sure if they are saying for the record publicly that he is stepping down just to keep a good look on him, like they have said about Jay-Z, or, if he has been secretly let go like Jay-Z & is just downplaying it. A " no name guy" who goes by Jeff Raikes is stepping down as the number 3 top man at Microsoft. He was the president of the business division of Microsoft. Now, this step down by Raikes doesn't mean Bill is completely closing his Gates of wealth to the man. Sources say that Gates & Raikes are very close friends as well, in addition to having their properties, such as vacation homes, in the same vicinity to one another, like walking distance away. Well, how about that. Guess he won't be parting away too far from Bill's money huh?
Now, like the old Wendy's commercial used to say "Where's the beef"? Raikes also is reported as saying to Steve Ballmer, who once lived down the hall from Gates in their Harvard days, as saying to Ballmer that this is "Bills company"? Sounds like to me that someone had a silent coup planned in their minds to overthrow Bill's empire and kick him out of his own Gates. Oh no & no way! Bill would never have that. In the end which is now, looks like Ballmer stays and Raikes gets the boot!
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