My first account i created was on Hotmail, when i was younger and i used Hotmail it was far too confusing to use with too many options and adverts. but now it has the new windows Vista look and is much simpler. It seems to be an all in one email provider where it has a calender page, Home page, Spaces page and a one care page. very simple to use but one major downfall is that every spammer knows about hotmail and find it too easy to get a new email. in a few weeks of me creating my new account there will most probably be spam.
I created my yahoo account but it wouldn’t let me log on, it kept on saying that my user wasn’t an existing user. But from past experience i recall that it was a but confusing especially with the homepage where you could completely trash it by moving every think any where. The other good memory was the web filter which filtered and and those are very commonly used. Well done yahoo, we love your content filtering!
Gmail what can i say i just have a love for the simplicity of your service! very simple easy to use and very good spam filter! now talking about spam, Gmail has only been on the internet for a few years and i get plenty of spam, only for one reason. I have hundreds of accounts on different websites and one of them has sold my email on. luckily Gmail and its very handy spam filter gets it 99.9% correct and puts all of the crap on to my spam folder. I love Gmail but the colors are a bit to mutual and could stick out a bit more! One last thing about Gmail it that when you create a Gmail account you have an account for any Google service! the only problem is that you must get to that website then log on unlike Hotmail where you are logged in and then you have access on any of their services with out having to go to another website!
Results - seven out of ten - six out of ten (after finally getting it to work!) - eight out of ten
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