Cute looking logos from both Google and Yahoo! When I first saw these logo's I was a bit confused. The World Enviornment day falls on June 5 so the Green logos got me wondering. Then I figured out -- its for the International Earth Day. was designed as an “environmental teach-in” that would educate participants in the importance of environmental conservation. The two largest gatherings occurred in Washington, D.C., where 10,000 people assembled at the Washington Monument, and in New York City, where a portion of Fifth Avenue was closed to traffic in observance of the event. Across the United States, 20 million people participated, many of them at schools, colleges, and universities. The event was instrumental in gaining support for the series of environmental legislation that passed through the U.S. Congress in the 1970s, including the Clean Air Act (1970) and the Endangered Species Act (1973). The first ever Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 per Encylopedia Britannica (reg required). (Yep, I got my free access to Britannica Webshare just today, more about that a bit later). Britannica Webshare states that the original meeting:
Google's logo is interesting -- the L is replaced completely by a Tree. I like the recycle symbolism in Yahoo!'s design. More on the Fonts used in Google's Logo -- designed by Ruth Kedar.
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